Saturday, June 11, 2022



A friend of mine is attending a huge gathering in Sedona hosted by big-name spiritual teachers. The cost for five days is only $899!

This is not a course where one learns skills that can be used professionally. It is a conference for people to learn about things like love, how to boost their soul growth, and ways to heal.

There are many such conferences and workshops, often under the shelter of the New Age community, and the bigger and more famous the leader and teacher, the heftier the pricetag.

These spiritual "influencers," whose names would be familiar to a large portion of the public, are guilty of just as much avarice (extreme greed) as the absurd evangelistic preachers you see on TV who flash their diamond rings while holding the Bible aloft and who go home after the show to their luxurious mansions. Like the preachers, they have professional teams and, in addition to the hefty conference fees, host plenty of back-room sales. They make a lot more money than what is needed to cover the costs of renting a room.

Google the names of some of these famous so-called New Age spiritual leaders and include the term "net worth." Most of the people leading these conferences are multi-millionaires. Let that sink in a bit.

The poor, sadly, will never get the chance to learn spiritual truths, at least from these folks. Opportunities to learn more about love, spiritual power, and the Divine only go to those who can afford the entrance tickets.

Massive greed has attached itself to so-called spiritual truth, and nobody is shouting that the emperor is wearing no clothes!

Covering room rental and other expenses? Fair. Charging money for a book or a DVD, provided the cost is reasonable? Fair. It costs to publish a book. Earning a little extra for one's upkeep? Fair. Charging for a workshop or class to learn skills that can be used professionally? Fair.

But just imagine Jesus giving his famous Sermon on the Mount. (This is not about whether or not you believe in Jesus.) Imagine if the disciples stood at the base of the mount, telling people:
"Admission is $599 with the exception of the Beautitudes. To include that bonus teaching, we have a very special offer only
for those who registered in advance; they may include the Beatitudes for the incredible low price of $799! Bottled water is provided at $8 a bottle. Lunch is extra. Because of sanitary regulations, attenders are asked not to bring any loaves or fishes onto the premises. Donkey rides up and down the mountain for $150 round trip are provided for those unable or unwilling to walk to the seminar."

It is rare to find a teacher who will share truths about such things as God and love without being tempted to rake in a whole lot of extra bucks just for themselves. Like the TV preachers, famous gurus, and cult leaders, they are great at justifying their avarice.

People are going to continue to idolize these famous spiritual teachers. They will keep on paying high fees in an effort to better their souls and to grow spirituality, but such teachings are polluted with the slime of greed and glory. It is a shame and a travesty.