Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Buying and selling stocks has always seemed so ludicrous to me. It is frightening that our economy is based on a complicated but essentially silly game, one of gambling with no regard for the businesses that thrive or lose as a result. It is also frightening that people have made stern rules about how to play the game, and take it so seriously. I want to shake them and shout, “Wake up!!!!” 

Now, I’m not a rugged sort. I absolutely love the benefits of modern society—creature comfort, availability of good food, my grand piano, books, movies, cars, computers—but it hurts to see how greatly we have become dissociated from planet Earth and all her blessings. I do not believe that Wall Street is one of those blessings. Part of me yearns deeply for another way of living.

© M. E. Raines, 2015
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