Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sears, K-Mart, and Land's End contributing to Mother Earth's problems

When you purchasing clothing at K-Mart, Sears or Land's End, did you know that they throw away the plastic hangers your clothes were on? That's right. All the hangers are thrown away after just one use. They are taken to landfills, where they will remain intact for centuries or more. If they eventually degrade, they will only degrade into plastic molecules and the pollution of the earth will be permanent.

Think of the millions of hangars that are used just one time in these stores and then tossed out. Think of the oil it takes to make the plastic to create these hangers. Think of the fuel it takes to haul them away. Think of the space used up in landfills...all because for them it is cheaper than being environmentally responsible.

Doesn't anyone with power in those stores have a conscience?! Who gave them permission to do such horrible things to our earth?

It is tragic that such large stores couldn't attempt to take better care of the planet. Such greedy neglect is unconscionable. It wouldn't take much to create biodegradable hangars made out of cornstarch--this has already been done with everything from mugs to pens--or at the very least, to make hangers recyclable and recycle them.

This is yet one more heart wrenching story of how the greed and hardened hearts of an enormous corporation are wrecking our planet and contaminating our environment, while the public remains oblivious.

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